2024上海茶生活博览会将于2024年12月12-15日在上海新国际博览中心(SNIEC)举办,展览面积逾25,000㎡,设置国际标准展位1000个。本届展会与2024上海禅艺生活博览会同期举办,总面积达62,000㎡。茶禅一味,共享成熟的跨界流量,传播中华茶文化。上海茶生活博览会以上海为中心,辐射长三角,放眼全球,努力整合全国各地优质品牌茶企,引领新风尚,打造茶生活采购平台,服务全球茶人,用创新精神引领茶界盛事, 开辟新高度。
The Shanghai Tea Life Fair 2024 will be held from December 12th-15th, 2024, at the Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC), covering an exhibition area of over 25,000㎡ and setting up 1,000 international standard booths. This edition of the expo will be held concurrently with the 2024 Shanghai Zen Life Fair, with a total area of 62,000㎡. Combining tea and Zen, sharing crossover audience traffic, and spreading Chinese tea culture.
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  • 厦门市思明区会展路198号
  • 361008
  • sh@teafair.com.cn
  • http://sh.teafair.com.cn
  • 86-592-5959-551/561
  • 86-592-5959-648
